Random Feud Alert: What's Julianne Moore's Problem With Jessica Simpson?!

Maybe Julianne Moore didn't get the memo: There are bigger fish to fry out there. Or at least more rotten fish to name-check.

When asked her thoughts on our current tabloid-saturated culture and the gossip-centric rags out there, the Game Change star said in a recent interview with More magazine, "They encourage young women, and some middle-aged women, to be interested in somebody else's narrative rather than their own."

"I don't want my daughter or her friends to be interested in Jessica Simpson," she added. "I want them to be interested in what's happening in their own lives."


Actually, her 9-year-old daughter, Liv, could do a lot worse than be interested in Simpson—she may have had her sillier-than-thou moments, but she is a multimillionaire businesswoman.

But at least Moore's kids—she and hubby Bart Freundlich are also parents to 14-year-old son Caleb—truly don't have to look far for a positive role model.

"I always tell my children that my favorite animal is the beaver because it's so industrious," the three-time Oscar nominee said. "And when they grow up, they'll be, ‘Can you believe she said that all the time?' "

She's serious about this beaver thing, though!

"Beavers don't seem that industrious when you look at them," Moore said, "but they make those dams, little by little. I am diligent. That's one of my qualities: diligence. Not very glamorous, but true."

Also rather substantial is Moore's outlook regarding the topic-du-century of women of a certain age.

"I feel that with a few exceptions, people always look like they've had surgery. They don't look any younger," she said when asked her take on plastic surgery. "I'm 51, and no matter what I do to my face, I'm still going to be 51. Age is about life span, about the journey we take...It gets back to narrative: You have to be where you are in your story and enjoy it for what it is."

Source: eonline.com

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