Kate Walsh, 44, Goes Nude for for Shape Magazine

Kate's naked truth!

Kate Walsh wears absolutely nothing on the March cover of Shape magazine -- and the 44-year-old Private Practice star is proud of her bod!

"Right now, I feel really healthy, confident, and sexy," the actress explains. "I'm enjoying my 40s and wanted to share that. Is it a mid-life crisis? I do drive a Porsche, so maybe it is!"

Many famous women in her age bracket turn to plastic surgery, Walsh points out -- but it's not for her, she explains.

"We live in a strange time when getting plastic surgery is as common as dyeing your hair. But in my profession, I need a malleable face," Walsh tells Shape, admitting that she indulges in beauty treatments, but nothing beyond that. "Everyone has her line in the sand. I draw mine at facials and laser treatments. But if others want to go a step further, it's their call."

Source: yahoo

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